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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Bugs In The Plans

Ok so what do you do when your heart gets broken? Blame the other person for being the one that broke you heart? Blame your friends for letting you get hurt? How about blame yourself for falling for that person in the first place? No matter how you act when something like this happens... never loose sight of the one that will be there when things don't go the way you plan them. God has a plan for everyone. It's not God that makes these things happen. But rest asure He will be there to cry with you when it does. He'll be there to hold you when you need a shoulder in unknown surroundings. God will pick you back up and show you a better path. You just have to open your heart and your mind to see it.

Yes... Leslie... I think you're right in what you said last night. ALL OF IT. :)

- Stacey -