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Friday, January 13, 2006

Matthew.. Travis... and A Broken Heart

Ok so I enjoyed the weather yesterday and then I was so dissappointed when Michigan showed it's true colors once again and did a 180 and SNOWED today! Well other than that I had a great day. I was totally on top of all my production... ok well all except the singles cd but that's hard to get done when you need a computer with a burner and all the Prod studios are taken. It would be SO much easier if my personal comp was hooked up to the network with the songs I needed on it.

So yeah it was a good day. Balyo has a blog now so I'm gonna start watching that one too and am gonna try to tease him as much as possible esp since he made me laugh during my tracking earlier. I told him I was gonna post "you're a dork!" like 50 times in his comments. hahaha too bad he has to approve the comments. Otherwise I SO would.

OH! THEN I've been basically craving my fix on Matthew & Travis... two of my favorite bands and then I started freaking out when I couldn't find them! AND... STILL NOTHING! I have NO idea where they are and I'm SERIOUSLY sad!

thought of the day... I really don't want to look like I have no life so I'm like all freaked out about posting everyday. But oh well at least I'm posting at all right??
- Stacey -


Anonymous said...

Oh, how sad I was today when it started snowing . . . and not only did it snow, it snowed a whole bunch.

And I don't think if you post every day you look like you have no life, well at least not yet. I guess if you posted every day for like two or three months then you might be pushing it.

MY thought of the day -- I procrastinate WAY too much, and then just recently I have met a crazy person.

Stacey Ree said...

tell me something I don't know... and dude... she sounds like a stalker to me!

- Stacey -