Wedding Countdown Ticker

Thursday, January 12, 2006


SUPER huge thanks to Hannah, Faith, Ryan & Topher for all of your putting up with my headaches.... well... the headaches I must have given you! hahaha. But it's cool it's all worked out now and I have 1 count it 1 blog site now... well that is until Topher creates the one for WaY. hahaha. But seriously thanks guys. OH! and I almost forgot John. Thanks for the pics... I will hopefully have that changed by the end of the day. :)

Y'all are gems I owe each and everyone one of you BIG time!

*thought of the moment*

woah... I don't have any... that's odd... my mind is a complete blank... must be now that this is taken care of... well I'm cold and it's the warmest day of the year so far... does that count? hahaha

- Stacey -


Anonymous said...

It was indeed Really warm today, it was very strange. I literally had to roll down the windows in my car when I was listening to music inbetween classes, it was insane.

And what is this!?! . . . I check this today and there are like twenty more entries that I had never seen before. Okay, so it's like six, but still.

Stacey Ree said...

acutally there are 57 entries now :D

that's what this post was all about. hahaha