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Monday, January 30, 2006

Normal is so not for me!

ok ok I admit it. I have a problem. ok no jokes now ;) we ALL know I have mental issues hahaha.

So yeah. I need to stop watching certain types of movies and listening to certain bands. They always make me feel and/or act a certain way. For instance, tonight I was watching Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights... yeup I'm putting that on my "stay away from it's dangerous!" list. Why? Because of the dancing. Every time I see a "Dance" movie. I get all weird... like excited weird and then miss dancing so much that I literally start to dance. It doesn't matter what I'm doing. I end up dancing while doing it.

I was doing the laundry. Since I live in apartments it's pretty common to have the washer & dryer be a community use facility. Right? Well watching one of your neighbors doing the meringue down the hallway to hang up her dress shirts is not all that ordinary. I think my neighbors think I'm crazy.

They have NO idea! hahahahaha


Anonymous said...

- hehehe . . . This is very easy to imagine, and very funny because of that fact ^__^

-- And did your neighbors not think you were already crazy !? . . . I mean, I am impressed if you were able to downplay it for so long =P